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(省民政厅 省财政厅 二○○三年六月)

第一章 总 则

  第一条 为了规范自然灾害救济补助资金(以下简称救灾资金)的管理,提高资金使用效益,切实保障灾民基本生活,维护灾区社会稳定,根据《民政部财政部关于规范特大自然灾害救济补助费分配管理有关问题的通知》(民发〔2002〕127号)和国家有关规定,特制定本办法。

  第二条 本办法所称的救灾资金,指用于灾区群众生活困难救助的专项资金,以及为抗御自然灾害而设立的救灾物资储备和管理资金。救灾资金的组成为:中央下拨的特大自然灾害救济补助费、特大自然灾害灾后重建补助费、各级政府安排的自然灾害救济事业费(含动用预备费安排用于救灾的资金)、上年结转的救灾资金。

  第三条 救灾资金坚持专款专用、重点使用的原则,实行专项调拨管理,任何组织、机构和个人不得以任何理由或方式挤占和挪用救灾资金。

第二章 救灾资金使用范围和管理

  第四条 救灾资金的使用范围包括:
  第五条 各级政府要根据上年灾情和救灾资金需求,建立救灾预备金制度或安排自然灾害救济事业费预算。遭受自然灾害的地区要多渠道筹集救灾救济资金,增加救灾资金总量。
  第六条 各级民政、财政部门要按照有关财务制度和规定,按季(年)度填报救灾资金使用收支、结余及有关报表。各设区的市民政部门要在每季度终了后5日内、次年1月10日前填报《福建省救灾资金使用情况统计表》(表样附后),并经同级财政部门审核,加盖民政和财政部门印章后报省民政厅和财政厅。

第三章 灾情报告、评估与核定

  第七条 自然灾害发生后,设区的市民政部门应按照《灾情统计、核定、报告暂行办法》(民救发〔1997〕8号)规定,及时调查、了解、掌握全市灾情,在24小时内将汇总的初步灾情报省民政厅,并随时报告灾害发展变化情况。

  第八条 灾情稳定后,设区的市民政部门应进一步调查核实灾情,及时将分县的灾情数据通过全省灾情信息管理系统报省民政厅,同时抄报省财政厅,抄送同级财政部门。省民政厅视情况牵头组织水利、农业、林业、渔业、建设、国土、财政等部门组成“灾情评估小组”,深入灾区核实灾情,并对灾区的灾害损失情况、灾区自救能力以及灾区需求做出全面评估,形成灾区损失情况和救灾需求评估报告。
  第九条 各级民政部门要依靠基层组织,逐村逐户核实灾情和群众缺粮等情况,摸清底数,做好灾民登记、分类造册工作,切实掌握灾民的受灾程度及困难状况。

第四章 救灾资金的申请、审批和拨付

  第十条 遭受自然灾害并要求上级给予补助的地区,要在当地政府向上一级政府报灾的基础上,由本级民政和财政部门联合向上一级民政和财政部门提交申请报告。
  第十一条 申请救灾资金补助的报告必须包括以下内容:



  第十二条 根据同级政府指示或下一级民政和财政部门救灾应急资金申请,民政部门根据灾情的实际情况,提出救灾应急资金补助分配方案商财政部门,两部门协商一致后进行办理。


  第十三条 收到同级政府批准方案后3个工作日内,由财政、民政部门联合发文将救灾资金下达到有关受灾地区的财政和民政部门,同时抄送同级政府办公厅(室)和审计等部门。

  第十四条 救灾资金的分配要重点用于对重灾区、重灾户的救济补助。以保障灾民基本生活为前提,以受灾面积、绝收面积、倒损房屋间数、成灾人口、转移安置人数、缺粮需救济人数,以及救灾资金补助额度等相关因素为依据,合理分配救灾资金。

  第十五条 接到财政部和民政部拨款文件后,属于救灾应急款的,省级在5个工作日内下达到设区的市,设区的市应在5个工作日内下达到县,县级应在5个工作日内落实到灾民手中;属于灾害救济资金和春季、冬令灾民生活救济资金的,省级在15个工作日内下达到设区的市,设区的市应在15个工作日内下达到县,县级应在15个工作日内落实到灾民手中。乡镇民政办应在县救灾资金分配文件下达后30日内向县级民政部门核销救灾资金。


  第十六条 救灾款物的发放,应根据受灾户受灾情况,由村民集体评议、村委会研究通过、报请乡(镇)人民政府批准后,张榜公布救济对象名单和救济数额、救济款物数量等,无异议后,由乡镇民政办或指定的金融机构支付到灾民手中,并报送县级民政部门备案核销。

第五章 监督和检查

  第十七条 各级民政和财政部门收到上一级关于救灾资金的拨款文件后,于一个月内将救灾资金分配使用情况,报送上一级民政和财政部门。

  第十八条 各级民政、财政部门要积极配合监察、审计部门,加强对救灾资金使用管理的监督检查。对贪污、截留或擅自改变救灾资金用途的单位和个人,要依照法律、法规的规定严肃处理;构成犯罪的,要依法追究刑事责任。

第六章 附 则

  第十九条 各设区的市民政、财政部门可根据本办法,结合本地区实际,制定具体实施办法,并抄送省民政厅和财政厅备案。

  第二十条 本办法自发布之日起执行。过去有关救灾资金管理办法的规定与本办法不符的,以本办法为准。

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中国人民银行 对外贸易经济合作部 国家税务总局


银发 【 2001 】 276






第一条 增值税专用发票(以下简称专用发票)只限于增值税的一般纳税人领购使用, 增值税的小规模纳税人和非增值税纳税人不得领购使用。
第二条 一般纳税人有下列情形之一者, 不得领购使用专用发票:
(一)会计核算不健全, 即不能按会计制度和税务机关的要求准确核算增值税的销项税额、进项税额和应纳税额者。
(二) 不能向税务机关准确提供增值税销项税额、进项税额、应纳税额数据及其他有关增值税税务资料者。
上述其他有关增值税税务资料的内容, 由国家税务总局直属分局确定。
(三) 有以下行为, 经税务机关责令限期改正而仍未改正者:
(四) 销售的货物全部属于免税项目者。
有上列情形的一般纳税人如已领购使用专用发票, 税务机关应收缴其结存的专用发票。
第三条 除本规定第四条所列情形外, 一般纳税人销售货物 (包括视同销售货物在内) 、应税劳务, 根据增值税细则规定应当征收增值税的非应税劳务 (以下简称销售应税项目) , 必须向购买方开具专用发票。
第四条 下列情形不得开具专用发票:
(一) 向消费者销售应税项目。
(二) 销售免税项目。
(三) 销售报关出口的货物、在境外销售应税劳务。
(四) 将货物用于非应税项目。
(五) 将货物用于集体福利或个人消费。
(六) 将货物无偿赠送他人。
(七) 提供非应税劳务(应当征收增值税的除外)、转让无形资产或销售不动产。
向小规模纳税人销售应税项目, 可以不开具专用发票。
第五条 专用发票必须按下列要求开具:
(一) 字迹清楚。
(二) 不得涂改。
如填写有误, 应另行开具专用发票, 并在误填的专用发票上注明“误填作废”四字。如专用发票开具后因购货方不索取而成为废票的, 也应按填写有误办理。
(三) 项目填写齐全。
(四) 票、物相符, 票面金额与实际收取的金额相符。
(五) 各项目内容正确无误。
(六) 全部联次一次填开, 上、下联的内容和金额一致。
(七) 发票联和抵扣联加盖财务专用章或发票专用章。
(八) 按照本规定第六条所规定的时限开具专用发票。
(九) 不得开具伪造的专用发票。
(十) 不得拆本使用专用发票。
(十一) 不得开具票样与国家税务总局统一制定的票样不相符合的专用发票。
开具的专用发票有不符合上列要求者, 不得作为扣税凭证, 购买方有权拒收。
第六条 专用发票开具时限规定如下:
(一) 采用预收货款、托收承付、委托银行收款结算方式的, 为货物发出的当天。
(二) 采用交款提货结算方式的, 为收到货款的当天。
(三) 采用赊销、 分期付款结算方式的, 为合同约定的收款日期的当天。
(四) 将货物交付他人代销, 为收到受托人送交的代销清单的当天。
(五) 设有两个以上机构并实行统一核算的纳税人, 将货物从一个机构移送其他机构用于销售, 按规定应当征收增值税的, 为货物移送的当天。
(六) 将货物作为投资提供给其他单位或个体经营者, 为货物移送的当天。
(七) 将货物分配给股东, 为货物移送的当天。
一般纳税人必须按规定时限开具专用发票, 不得提前或滞后。
第七条 专用发票的基本联次统一规定为四联, 各联次必须按以下规定用途使用:
(一) 第一联为存根联, 由销货方留存备查。
(二) 第二联为发票联, 购货方作付款的记帐凭证。
(三) 第三联为税款抵扣联, 购货方作扣税凭证。
(四) 第四联为记帐联, 销货方作销售的记帐凭证。
第八条 除购进免税农业产品和自营进口货物外, 购进应税项目有下列情况之一者, 不得抵扣进项税额:
(一) 未按规定取得专用发票。
(二) 未按规定保管专用发票。
(三) 销售方开具的专用发票不符合本规定第五条第(一)至(九)项和第(十一)项的要求。
第九条 有下列情形之一者, 为本规定第八条所称未按规定取得专用发票:
(一) 未从销售方取得专用发票。
(二) 只取得记帐联或只取得抵扣联。
第十条 有下列情形之一者, 为本规定第二条、第八条所称未按规定保管专用发票:
(一) 未按照税务机关的要求建立专用发票管理制度。
(二) 未按照税务机关的要求设专人保管专用发票。
(三) 未按照税务机关的要求设置专门存放专用发票的场所。
(四) 税款抵扣联未按税务机关的要求装订成册。
(五) 未经税务机关查验擅自销毁专用发票的基本联次。
(六) 丢失专用发票。
(七) 损(撕)毁专用发票。
(八) 未执行国家税务总局或其直属分局提出的其他有关保管专用发票的要求。
第十一条 有本规定第八条所列情形者, 如其购进应税项目的进项税额已经抵扣, 应从税务机关发现其有上述情形的当期的进项税额中扣减。
第十二条 销售货物并向购买方开具专用发票后, 如发生退货或销售折让,应视不同情况分别按以下规定办理:
购买方在未付货款并且未作帐务处理的情况下, 须将原发票联和税款抵扣联主动退还销售方。销售方收到后, 应在该发票联和税款抵扣联及有关的存根联、记帐联上注明“作废”字样, 作为扣减当期销项税额的凭证。未收到购买方退还的专用发票前, 销售方不得扣减当期销项税额。属于销售折让的, 销售方应按折让后的货款重开专用发票。
在购买方已付货款, 或者货款未付但已作帐务处理, 发票联及抵扣联无法退还的情况下, 购买方必须取得当地主管税务机关开具的进货退出或索取折让证明单(以下简称证明单)送交销售方, 作为销售方开具红字专用发票的合法依据。销售方在未收到证明单以前, 不得开具红字专用发票; 收到证明单后, 根据退回货物的数量、价款或折让金额向购买方开具红字专用发票。红字专用发票的存根联、记帐联作为销售方扣减当期销项税额的凭证, 其发票联、税款抵扣联作为购买方扣减进项税额的凭证。
购买方收到红字专用发票后, 应将红字专用发票所注明的增值税额从当期进项税额中扣减。如不扣减, 造成不纳税或少纳税的, 属于偷税行为。
第十三条 使用电子计算机开具专用发票必须报经主管税务机关批准并使用由税务机关监制的机外发票。
第十四条 符合下列条件的一般纳税人, 可以向主管税务机关申请使用电子计算机开具专用发票:
(一) 有专业电子计算机技术人员、操作人员。
(二) 具备通过电子计算机开具专用发票和按月列印进货、销货及库存清单的能力。
(三) 国家税务总局直属分局规定的其他条件。
第十五条 申请使用电子计算机, 必须向主管税务机关提供申请报告及以下资料:
(一) 按照专用发票(机外发票)格式用电子计算机制作的模拟样张。
(二) 根据会计操作程序用电子计算机制作的最近月份的进货、销货及库存清单。
(三) 电子计算机设备的配置情况。
(四) 有关专用电子计算机技术人员、操作人员的情况。
(五) 国家税务总局直属分局要求提供的其他资料。
第十六条 使用专用发票必须按月在《增值税纳税申报表》附列资料栏目中如实填列购、用(包括作废)、存情况。
第十七条 进货退出或索取折让证明单的基本联次为三联: 第一联为存根联, 由税务机关留存备查; 第二联为证明联, 交由购买方送销售方为开具红字专用发票的合法依据; 第三联由购货单位留存。
证明单必须由税务机关开具, 并加盖主管税务机关印章, 不得将证明单交由纳税人自行开具。
证明单的印制, 按照《中华人民共和国发票管理办法》及其细则有关发票印制的规定办理。
一般纳税人取得的证明单应按照税务机关的要求装订成册, 并按照有关发票保管的规定进行保管。
第十八条 专用发票的票样与进货退出或索取折让证明单的样式, 由国家税务总局统一制定, 其他单位和纳税人不得擅自改变。
第十九条 本规定所称税务机关、主管税务机关、均指国家税务总局及其所属支局以上征收机关。
第二十条 本规定自1994年1月1日起执行。


(State Administration of Taxation: 27 December 1993)

Whole Doc.
(hereinafter referred to as "the Provisions") are formulated by the State
Administration of Taxation to tighten control over the use of special
invoices of Value-Added Tax (hereinafter referred to as "special
invoices") and to ensure the successful implementation of the Value-Added
Tax crediting system based on the amount of tax specified on invoices.
Copies of the Provisions are hereby sent to you with the following notice
on the pertinent questions:
1. Special invoices are not only important commercial papers in
taxpayers' business activities, but also legal certificates on which both
the seller's tax obligation and the amount of imput tax for purchasers are
recorded, with a decisive role in the computation and administration of
Value-Added Tax. Leading comrades of the State Council have given
instructions that the way to administer special invoices should be the
same as for bank notes. As such, tax authorities at all levels in various
places must pay great attention to the use and administration of special
invoices, endeavor to gain the support of government leaders at various
levels and assistance from the financial, banking, auditing,
administration for industry and commerce, public security, public
prosecution and other departments concerned and to make earnest efforts to
strengthen on work guidance and administer strictly in accordance with the
provisions for the use of special invoices.
2. Starting from January 1, 1994, general taxpayers selling goods or
taxable services must issue special invoices in accordance with the
Provisions. In case where special invoices are needed but not issued and
ordinary invoices are still used, purchasers would not be allowed to claim
any credit on input tax.
Ordinary invoices issued in the previous year received by general
taxpayers can be used as tax-crediting certificates only before January
31. For those that cannot be used as certificates for crediting the input
tax of the current period, the input tax which are separated from
start-of-period inventory, may be readjusted upward in accordance with
provisions of the pertinent policy.
3. Those which violate the Provisions for the Use of Special Invoices
shall be dealt with in accordance with the provisions for relevant
penalties prescribed in the for the Control of Invoices> and the China for Tax Collection and Administration>.
4. If any problems are found in the implementation of the for the Use of special Invoices of Value-Added Tax>, please report them to
the State Administration of Taxation promptly. Local governments or
departments should not alter these Provisions at will in the course of
their implementation and shall abide to implement accordingly.
Article 1
Special invoices of Value-Added Tax (hereinafter referred to as
"special invoices") shall be obtained, bought and used only by general
taxpayers that pay Value-Added Tax, and not by small-scale taxpayers or
non-Value-Added-Tax taxpayers.
Article 2
General taxpayers shall not obtain, buy or use special invoices in
any one of the following cases:
(1) The accounting system is unsound, i. e., it cannot accurately
compute the output tax, input tax and the amount of Value-Added Tax
payable as required under the accounting regulations and by tax
(2) Accurate information for the output tax, input tax, the amount of
Value-Added Tax payable and other information relating to Value-Added Tax
cannot be provided to tax authorities.
The content of "other information relating to Value-Added Tax"
mentioned above shall be defined by the taxation bureaux which are
directly under the State Administration of Taxation;
(3) Engagement in the following activities and failure to correct
itself within the time limit prescribed by tax authorities:
a. Printing special invoices without authorization;
b. Buying special invoices from individual persons or units other
than tax authorities;
c. Using special invoices borrowed from other;
d. Providing special invoices for use by other;
e. Failing to issue special invoices in accordance with the
requirements as prescribed in Article 5 of the Provisions;
f. Failing to preserve special invoices in accordance with the
requirements under the Provisions;
g. Failing to file the information on the status of the purchase, use
and inventory of special invoices as prescribed in Article 16 of the
h. Failing to accept inspection by tax authorities according to the
requirements under the Provisions.
(4) Sale of goods which fall within the tax exempt items.
If any of the aforesaid cases occur with a general taxpayer that has
obtained, bought and used special invoices, the tax authorities shall take
away the special invoices retained by that taxpayers.
Article 3
Except for the circumstances specified in Article 4 of these
Provisions, general taxpayer selling goods (including those regarded as
selling goods), taxable services, or non-taxable services on which
Value-Added Tax shall be levied as prescribed in the Detailed Rules for
the Implementation of Value-Added Tax (hereinafter referred to as "selling
taxable items") must issue special invoices to purchasers.
Article 4
Special invoices cannot be issued in the following circumstances:
(1) Selling taxable items to consumers;
(2) Selling tax exempt items;
(3) Selling goods that have been declared export at the customs
office or selling taxable services abroad;
(4) Using goods on items not subject to Value-Added Tax;
(5) Using goods on group welfare or for personal consumption;
(6) Presenting goods as gifts to others without a consideration; or
(7) Providing non-taxable services (except services on which
Value-Added Tax shall be levied), transferring intangible assets, or
selling immovable property.
Taxable items can be sold to small-scale taxpayers without issuing
special invoices.
Article 5
Special invoices must be issued in accordance with the following
(1) The writing must be legible;
(2) There shall be no alteration;
If a special invoice is filled out incorrectly, it should be affixed
with the words "canceled for mistakes" and a new special invoice would be
issued. If a special invoice that has been issued and becomes invalid as a
result of not being claimed by the purchasers, it shall also be handled as
if the invoice is filled out incorrectly.
(3) All the items should be filled in;
(4) The special invoice and the goods must tally with each other, the
amount specified on the special invoice and the amount of money collected
must tally with each other;
(5) The content of all items are correct;
(6) All copies of the invoice shall be filled out at one time and the
content and amount on all copies shall be consistent;
(7) The "invoice copy" and the "credit copy" shall be affixed with
the special stamp for use by the financial department or for use in
(8) Special invoices must be issued at the time prescribed in Article
6 of the Provisions;
(9) Counterfeit special invoices shall not be issued;
(10) Special invoices detached from invoice books shall not be used;
(11) Special invoices that do not conform with the forms produced on
an unified basis by the State Administration of Taxation shall not be
Any special invoices that do not conform with the aforesaid
requirements will not be used as taxcrediting certificates and purchasers
shall have the right not to accept them.
Article 6
The time limit for issuance of special invoices is prescribed as
(1) If accounts are settled by the methods of advance payment, bills
of collection and acceptance, or by authorizing banks to collect payments,
it is the day when the goods are despatched;
(2) If accounts are settled by the method of payment on delivery, it
shall be the day when the payment is received;
(3) If the accounts are settled by the methods of credit sales or
hire purchase, it is the day of collection prescribed in contracts;
(4) If goods are sold through consignment agents, it is the day when
the bills of consignment sales are received from consignee;
(5) For the transfer of goods from one establishment to another for
sale by a taxpayer who maintains two or more establishments and keeps
their accounts on a consolidated basis, if Value-Added Tax shall be levied
on such goods according to the provisions, it is the day when the goods
are transferred;
(6) For goods provided to other units or individual business
operators in the from of investment, it is the day when the goods are
transferred; or
(7) For goods distributed to shareholders, it is the day when the
goods are transferred.
General taxpayers must issue special invoices at the prescribed time,
neither earlier nor later.
Article 7
Special invoices are basically in quadruplicate, as stipulated on a
unified basis, and each copy shall be used in accordance with the
following provisions:
(1) The first copy is the "stub copy," which is kept by the seller
for reference;
(2) The second copy is the "invoice copy," which is used by the
purchaser as payment record for bookkeeping;
(3) The third copy is the "credit copy," which is used by the
purchaser as a certificate for claiming input tax credit; and
(4) The fourth copy is the "bookkeeping copy," which is used by the
seller as sales record for bookkeeping.
Article 8
Except for the purchase of tax-exempt agricultural products and
import of goods, the input tax on purchasing of taxable items shall not be
credited against the output tax in any one of the following circumstances:
(1) Failing to obtain special invoices as stipulated;
(2) Failing to preserve special invoices as stipulated; or
(3) The special invoices issued by sellers do not conform with the
requirements prescribed in Paragraphs (1) to (9) and Paragraph (11) of
Article 5 of the Provisions.
Article 9
"Failing to obtain special invoices as stipulated" mentioned in
Article 8 of the Provisions refers to one of the following circumstances:
(1) Failing to obtain special invoices from sellers; or
(2) Obtaining only the "bookkeeping copy" or obtaining only the
credit copy.
Article 10
"Failing to preserve special invoices as stipulated" mentioned in
Articles 2 and 8 of the Provisions refers to one of the following
(1) Failing to institute a special invoices control system as
required by tax authorities;
(2) Failing to assign a special person to safe-keep special invoices
as required by tax authorities;
(3) Failing to assign a special place for the safe-keeping of special
invoices as required by tax authorities;
(4) Failing to bind "credit copies" into booklets as required by tax
(5) Unauthorized destruction of the basic copies of special invoices
that have not been checked or examined by tax authorities;
(6) Loss of the special invoices;
(7) Damaging (or tearing apart) special invoices; or
(8) Failing to meet other requirements for the preservation of
special invoices specified by the State Administration of Taxation or
taxation bureaux which are directly under it.
Article 11
If input tax on the purchase of taxable items has already been
credited with the output tax in any of the cases mentioned in Article 8 of
the Provisions, the credited amount shall be deducted from the input tax
on purchases in the period when the circumstances are discovered by tax
Article 12
If, after goods have been sold and special invoices have been issued
to a purchaser, the goods are returned or having a discount allowed, they
shall be dealt with on the merits of each case and in accordance with the
following provisions:
In case when the purchaser has neither paid for the goods nor booked
them in the accounts, he or she should take the initiative to return the
original "invoice copy" and "credit copy" to the seller. After receiving
these copies, the seller should write the word "cancelled" on them and on
the related "stub copy" and "bookkeeping copy," which may be used as
certificates for deducting the output tax of the current period. Before
the seller receives the special invoices returned by a purchaser, he or
she cannot deduct the output tax of the current period. In case of
discount allowed, the seller shall issue special invoices anew on the
basis of the discounted prices.
If a purchaser has paid for the goods or though the goods have not
yet been paid but have been booked in the accounts, the purchaser cannot
return the "invoice copy" and "credit copy", he or she must secure a
"goods returned" or "discount claimed" certificate (hereinafter referred
to as the "certificate") issued by local competent tax authorities and
send it to seller, so that the latter may use it as the legal certificates
for issuing a red- letter special invoice. Before receiving the
certificate, the seller nay not issue any red-letter special invoice
Having received the certificate, the seller shall issue a red-letter
special invoice to the purchaser in accordance with the amount and prices
of goods returned or the amount of money discounted. The "stub copy" and
"bookkeeping copy" of the red-letter special invoice can be used by the
seller as certificates for deducting the output tax on saies of the
current period, while the "invoice copy" and "credit copy" can be used by
the purchaser as certificates for deducting the input tax.
After receiving the red-letter special invoice, the purchaser should
deduct the amount of Value-Added Tax specified on that invoice from the
input tax of the current period. Any default or decrease of tax payment
resulting from failure to make such deduction shall be regarded as tax
Article 13
Taxpayers that use electronic computers in issuing special invoices
must apply to the tax authorities for approval and the use of
non-computer-printed invoices produced under the control and supervision
of the tax authorities.
Article 14
Generally taxpayers that meet the following conditions may apply to
the tax authorities for the use of electronic computers in issuing special
(1) Have specialized electronic computer technicians and operators;
(2) Have the capacity and capability of issuing special invoices and
printing out monthly reports of purchases, sales and inventories through
electronic computers; and
(3) Can meet other conditions prescribed by taxation bureaux which
are directly under the State Administration of Taxation.
Article 15
Applicants for the use of electronic computers must file their
applications with the tax authorities alongside the following information:
(1) An analog sample produced by electronic computer based on the
form of special invoices (non-computer-printed invoices);
(2) The reports of purchases, sales and inventories of the latest
month, which is in accordance with the accounting operation procedures,
produced by electronic computer.
(3) The configuration of electronic computer equipment;
(4) Information about the specialized electronic computer technicians
and operators; and
(5) Other information requested by the taxation bureaux which are
directly under the State Administration of Taxation.
Article 16
Users of special invoices must truthfully record information on
purchase and use (including cancelled) of invoices and any invoices left
unused in the data columns appended to the every
Article 17
The "goods returned" or "discount claimed" certificate is basically
in triplicate: the first copy is "stub copy", which shall be kept by tax
authorities for records; the second copy is "certificate copy", which the
purchaser should send it to the seller and is to be used as the legal
certificates for issuing red-letter special invoices; the third copy shall
be retained by the purchaser.
Certificates must be issued by tax authorities and affixed with the
stamp of the tax authorities; certificates cannot be given to the
taxpayers for the issuance of the certificates by themselves.
Certificates shall be printed in accordance with the People's Republic of China for the control of Invoices> and the relevant
provisions of the Detailed Rules and Regulations.
General taxpayers shall bind the certificate received into booklets
as required by the tax authorities and keep them in accordance with the
relevant certificate preservation provisions.
Article 18
The forms of special invoices and the format of "goods returned" or
"discount claimed" certificates shall be drawn up by the State
Administration of Taxation on a unified basis. They shall not be altered
by other organizations or taxpayers without authorization.
Article 19
"Tax authorities" and "competent tax authorities" mentioned in the
Provisions refer to the State Administration of Taxation and the
tax-collecting authorities that are one level above of the taxation
bureaux which are directly under the State Administration of Taxation.
Article 20
Provisions shall come into effect on January 1, 1994.
